Discover the Best Wildflowers in the Texas Hill Country in Dripping Springs, TX

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Your Guide to Texas Hill Country Wildflowers

a dirt path weaving through a crop of bluebonnets with trees

Looking for the perfect wildflower adventure in the Texas Hill Country this Spring?

Here's everything you need to know about the Hill Country Wildflower season!

Start your epic journey here in Dripping Springs, TX! After enduring a highly unusual winter, visitors to our area can look forward to the familiar joys of a wonderful spring wildflower season, say experts at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

According to the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center's website, "While February’s winter storm Uri impacted some native plants in Central Texas, Director of Horticulture Andrea DeLong-Amaya expects that many wildflowers will bloom as usual."

“Our Texas bluebonnets (Lupinus texensis) and many other native wildflowers are adapted to cold temperatures,” she said.

Texas Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrushes, Redbuds are making appearances on the Texas highways and roadsides.

Top 6 Places to Bask in the Wildflower Glory

A patch of Guillardia puchella wildflowers

1. Historic Mercer Street in downtown Dripping Springs– the Bluebonnets arrived early in the spring, as early as February this year! Some bluebonnets can still be found later in the spring months, but it's best to catch the bluebonnets violet display earlier in the year. In front of the Homestead Bed and Breakfast, right across from the Destination Dripping Springs office, is a great place to spy some of the early risers.

As the weather heats up, in April and May expect to see some of the flame colored wildflowers pop up. Firewheels, Indian Blanket or Gaillardia pulchella is a well-known annual wildflower that can be found all throughout the Texas Hill Country and on Mercer Street in downtown Dripping Springs.

a bee pollinating a Texas bluebonnet
2. The Dripping Springs Ranch Park – the DSRP, with its gentle and meandering trails are the perfect place to take in the gorgeous Hill Country scenery and admire the Bluebonnets, Fire Wheels, and all the other native beauties. Follow the little over mile trail loop through the meadows to take a peek at all of the blooms.

3. As you drive down Highway 290, there will be a bunch of showstoppers right along the road. This is a great place to get a drive-by view of the wildflowers, but it might not be the safest place to stop. As you drive west of Dripping Springs, the wildflower diversity really abounds - discover Indian Paintbrushes, Clasping Cone Flowers and a myriad of other brightly colored flowers. As always, use your best judgement if you do decide to pull the car over on this busy stretch of the highway.

4. Founders Park Stop by the historic homestead, the Dr. Pound Farmstead, and then follow the trail that will be soon dotted with early bloomers. The Indian Paintbrushes often blanket the prairie with their gorgeous displays of red, coral, and pinks.

5. The DSYSA Soccer Fields also known as the Sports and Rec Park off of Sports Park Road – most of the year, the kids are occupying the sports fields, but at this time of year, it’s a great way to view some of the show-stopping flowers, and flowering trees. The Sports Park also has a trail that you can follow around the fields where you can take in a variety of the 2,700 Texas wildflowers.

6. Charro Ranch Park - The 64 acre park was donated to the City of Dripping Springs by Lucy Reed Hibberd in December of 2008 after being in her family for about 50 years. Mrs. Hibberd developed trails, created areas for reflection, and installed signs identifying tree species. During the spring and summer months, the easy walk through the meadow will lend itself to a delightful display of yellow, oranges, purples and pinks.

After the bluebonnets have played out, keep your eyes peeled for bright yellow Coreopsis, Prairie Verbena, and the Pink Evening Primrose all Spring and Summer.

Planning to stay the night? Check out all of our lodging options here!

Just remember while you are out and about exploring springtime in the Texas Hill Country, please don’t trespass onto private property. While it is so tempting to get the picture-perfect image, please be respectful of our neighbors. Also, keep your eyes peeled for any creepy-crawlies that live in the blooms like the infamous diamond back rattlesnake. Enjoy this epic wildflower season, which according to some will be the best in 10 years. And, make sure to share your photos with us using the hashtag #DSTX. Happy trails, friends!

a field of brightly colored wildflowers

A few of the Wildflowers You Will See in DSTX

Antelope Horns Milkweed wildflower with a butterfly on it.

Antelope Horns Milkweed

Asclepias asperula
White Milkwort Wildflower

White Milkwort

Polygala alba
Plains Blackfoot Daisy

Plains Blackfoot Daisy

Melampodium leucanthum
Queen Anne's Lace wildflower

Queen Anne's Lace

Daucus carota
Rain Lilly Wildflower

Rain Lilly

Cooperia pedunculata
Fleabane Daisy

Fleabane Daisy

Erigeron annuus
White Beardtongue wildlfower

White Beardtongue

Penstemon albidus
White Pricklypoppy wildflower

White Pricklypoppy

Argemone albiflora
Square-bud Primrose  wildflower

Square-bud Primrose

Calylophus berlandieri
Prickly Pear Cactus  wildflower

Prickly Pear Cactus

Optunia phaeacantha
Texas Dandelion

Texas Dandelion

Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus
Golden Dyssodia  wildflower

Golden Dyssodia

Dyssodia pentachaeta
Common Sunflower wildflower

Common Sunflower

Helianthus annuus
Coreopsis wildflower


Coreopsis tinctoria
Clasping-Leaf Coneflower wildflower

Clasping-Leaf Coneflower

Dracopis amplexicaulis
Texas Lantana wildflower

Texas Lantana

Lantana horrida
Engelmann Daisy wildflower

Engelmann Daisy

Engelmannia peristenia
Mexican Hat wildflower

Mexican Hat

Ratibida columnifera
Indian Blanket, Firewheel wildflower

Indian Blanket, Firewheel

Gaillardia pulchella
Plains Yellow Daisy or Four Nerve Daisy

Plains Yellow Daisy or Four Nerve Daisy

Tetraneuris scaposa
American basket flower

American Basket Flower

Centaurea americana
Greg's Mist Flower

Greg's Mist Flower

Conoclinium greggii
A bluebonnet flower.


Lupinus texensis
Blue Gilia  Wildflower

Blue Gilia

Giliastrum rigidulum
Silverleaf Nightshade

Silverleaf Nightshade

Solanum eleagnifolium
Grape Hyacinth

Grape Hyacinth

Muscari armeniacum
Prairie Verbena Wildflower

Prairie Verbena

Glandularia bipinnatifida


Tradescantia virginiana
A brightly colored blooming tree

Texas redbud

Cercis canadensis var. texensis
Horse Mint Wildflower

Horse Mint

Monarda punctata
Drummond Phlox wildflower

Drummond Phlox

Phlox drummondii
Pinkladies Primrose wildflower

Pinkladies Primrose

Oenothera speciosa
Sensitive Briar wildflower

Sensitive Briar

Mimosa microphylla
Wild Onion Wildflower

Wild Onion

Allium drummondii
Winecup wildflower


Callirhoe involucrata
Scarlet sage WIldflower

Scarlet Sage

Salvia coccinea
Indian Paintrbrush wildflower

Texas Indian paintrbrush

Castilleja indivisa
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